Wednesday, January 16, 2013

“When you think things are bad, when you feel sour and blue, when you start to get mad... you should do what I do! Just tell yourself, Duckie, you're really quite lucky! Some people are much more... oh, ever so much more... oh, muchly much-much more unlucky than you!” ― Dr. Seuss

Not really a great picture but since I don't have any other pictures  to put up today I thought I would share this one. It was taken at my Aunt Monie and Uncle Joe's 50th wedding anniversary party last Sunday.I guess I should also say that it is a picture of my Mom, Dad and sisters.

Last Thursday my ear decided to betray me again and block up with wax. It so sucks not being able to hear. I did as the doctor tells me to do and put hydrogen peroxide in it to try and get the wax soft so it will come out. Well by Sunday it was getting way worse and not coming out at all. I had Amy come over and try and wash it out with the bulb ear cleaner thing I got at Walmart. No luck again. Amy said I had to get the Elephant Ear Washer since that is what the doctors use and it has way more pressure to get the wax out of the ear. So I went on Amazon and found it and ordered it up.
I know it sure does not look like much for what it cost me! But let me tell you it was worth every cent of the $25.00 it cost! As soon as I got home from work yesterday I went to Amy's house and had her use it. I am  happy to report that I can hear again!!!! Amy is like my hero now! Josie wanted to know what was in my ear that was plugging it up so I told her I had pumpkin seeds growing in it. It was pretty funny she was pretty concerned about it. Josie and Eli watched the whole time Amy was working on it. When I was all done I had Josie look in my ear and she was happy to report that all the pumpkin seeds that were growing in my ears were now gone. It was cute.
Eli was so happy to see me. He could not stop hugging me, he is so cute :)

After I left Amy's house I had league. I am happy with my new bow. Last week my wrist get very sore from shooting because of how I was holding the bow. So Rick put a rubber grip on it and this week my wrist did not get sore at all. I was happy with how I shot last night, it was fun.

Today is my last day of work for four days. I am excited to have the weekend off again. I am going to the eye doctor on Thursday and then I should have the rest of the day and all day Friday to paint and work on getting my sewing room completed. Hopefully I can get a lot of it done. I am going to be busy Saturday and Sunday. Saturday I am giving a basic sewing class for Cassie and two of her friends. It should be interesting.....Sunday Cassie, Amy, Christa and I are going to do a little shopping. I HAVE to get a few new clothes for Vegas :)

That's it for today

Later Sharon 

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