Monday, October 28, 2013

Upcycling Part Three.....

This is the ruff cut ceder wood that was on the walls in our 3 season porch that we are making into a 4 season porch. I hated the wood because it was so ruff and it collected dust that was impossible to clean. The old owners of the house never finished staining it. There were spots of different stain colors on different walls in the room. So after much debate Rick took it off. He did not really want to just throw it away so he piled it up in the garage.

Well the other project I wanted Rick to do was to close up underneath the porch. In the fall it had a ton of leafs blow under it and it was a huge pain to get them all racked out. So Rick went to work and cut all the boards he had taken off the walls down and and used them to close the porch up.

It turned out great! It is so much nicer looked then having it open. We also have a great storage place for all those things we kept under the porch and deck. Now they are all tucked behind the wall and it looks much neater. Rick put a door in the front and is going to put on on the side under the deck also. We were short a little wood so that door is going to have to wait.
So we are happy that we did not just take the wood to the dump and reused it.

We are debating about taking these two trees down. They are really close to the house and have several huge branches that hang over the house. If they ever blow over or even lose one of the big branches it will cause a lot of damage to the house. If we ever get our landscaping done they may have to come down.

The inside work on the porch is coming along good. Yesterday we go the flooring and hopefully by next week the walls will be done and the floor will be in.

Later Sharon

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