Thursday, July 28, 2016

"To me, feminism is such a simple description: it's equal rights, economic rights, political rights, and social rights." -Callie Khouri

In 1995 Walmart took this shirt out of there stores because it did not fit in to the "family values" of the store.  It is hard to believe that anyone would think that way. Well really it is not that hard because I know a lot of people that still think that way....

Regardless of what political party you belong to this week was a huge step for women. Love or hate Hillary Clinton if you are a women you should be proud of the country for finally electing a women to run for president of a major political party. It is about time! So many other countries around the world have had women leaders but not America.

We should not have to tell little girls that they can be anything they want when they grow up they should just know it. They should never think that they cannot do that because it is a mans job.

So this week I am proud of America for a change.....


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