Sunday, July 17, 2016


Cassie claims I have a little problem when it comes to picking out books. As we all know I love to read and read a lot. Since getting my Kindle and Prime from Amazon once a month I get to choose a book for free. They usually send you 4 to choose from. Well I almost always will pick the mystery/suspense books. Of course most of them are the first in a series so I will get the rest of them and keep reading. They all tend to be a little know rape, murder, kidnapping etc..... Cassie and I share all my Kindle books so she complained to me that I need some lighter reading. I told her she was full of crap all my books are not dark. So I went on my Kindle and looked at the books....She might have been a little right. I had to go back oh about two years to find a book that was not "dark"

I guess it is time to maybe get some lighter reading....

Which brings me to my latest book. It is a true story not a mystery so I must be moving into the right direction....

I had read a news story about a mountain biker that ran into a grizzly bear in Glacier Nation Park and was killed by the bear. In the article it mentioned the most deadly bear killing in the parks history that happened in 1967. Of course I had to research it and I found out that a book had been written about it. I went right on Amazon and ordered it up to my kindle. What a great book It is unbelievable what lead up to the attacks of the two young women that were killed that night. The book is a great history of how Glacier interacted with the bears and how it took a huge tragedy to change things for the better for the bears and for the people visiting the park.

I have always had a fear of bears and now I have an even bigger fear. I am glad that we are now camping in our big camper and not a tent, Of course if a big grizzly bear wanted to get in our camper it could....yep that is right I am being a more then a little paranoid. I blame this all on Cassie and her making me pick a book to read other then a mystery book. I think I am going to go back to my fictional rape, murder, kidnapping and zombie books.

Happy reading everyone

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