Saturday, August 17, 2013

"Willpower is not an actual Power" -Rue lala

                                                    The Rugroden Family
 After much spinning and jumping around Dexter decided to make a bed on top of all the blankets and pillow
                             Eli on his way to my house in his big boy car seat.
Liam, Josie and Eli playing with play doh at my house....I don't know what I was thinking......
                                                      Liam in his T-Ball picture

I ordered a shirt from my new favorite shopping site Rue Lala   the above quote came in the bag with a shirt I ordered from them. It made me laugh because we all know how much willpower is needed to not spend all day shopping at sites like Rue Lala!

Amy and Christa did a last minute show last Friday so they asked me to pick up Josie, Eli and Oliver in Faribault on my way home from work and take them to Waseca until there daddy's could come get them. I only had them for a couple hours so it was not to bad. Having two 2 year old's kept me busy. They are so funny together now because they actually play together, well when they are not fighting over the toys and pushing and hitting each other :) 

Amy is back to work full time so I helped her out on Wednesday and watched the kids. Since I have not really babysat them for awhile I thought it would we should do something fun. I saw that they had some Play Doh on clearance at Walmart so I bought it up. I figured it would not be that big of a mess. You would have thought Eli would have made the biggest mess but it was Josie. I swear she can make a mess in about 2 seconds! Once I put Eli down for a nap Josie, Liam and I made cookies. I made a big batch so I could freeze some to take with us camping next weekend.

Last Saturday the Rugroden family got together to celebrate the Aug. birthdays. I had to work so we did not get there until 5:00. It was nice to see everyone again, it is not often everyone can make it.

We finally sold our pop up camper. I was so glad to get rid of it before winter. I was not looking forward to storing it again. We bought it for $2200 four years ago and sold it for $2300! I was very happy about that.

Rick had been super busy making strings. Last night he had three people come over and took two more string orders over the phone. He was excited that he got his first string order from someone seeing the R-Strings and Cables name and phone number one of the pens he had made up. It was worth having them made up.

I found a web site  that you can make your own books to have for yourself or to sell. I was very excited about this since I have been looking for someplace to have my first Blog  printed off into a book. My biggest fear is that for some reason the blog would get deleted and it would be lost. It was is basically my online diary. I am doing a book for each year of my Blog. I started it in 2008 and had to move to this Blog in November of 2012. So far I have 2008 and 2009 sent off to be printed. I am going to wait until I get them to make sure I like them before I do the next 3 years. It has been so fun to go back and look at everything I wrote about while I was editing it for the book. My life has had so many wonderful things happen over the last few years. I really have been so lucky.   Anyhow I just wanted to have a copy of it on paper for me. Now when I am dead and gone there will be a little bit of my life written down for my grandkids to read....

Later Sharon 


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