Monday, July 8, 2013

Making Memories......

Josie running into the finish line of the 1 mile race on the 4th of July. Amy is running with her.
                                              Liam and Josie with there medals after finishing the 1 mile race
            Linda, Beth, Amy, Me, Rick, Josie, Eli and Liam after the race. Eli wanted to be in the picture too.
                                             Eli and Amy at our 4th of July picnic

I was lucky this year and had the whole 4th of July weekend off!

Thursday Linda and Beth came over to Waseca and we all went to Clear Lake Park for the 5 mile Freedom walk/run. They also had a one mile kids run/walk and Josie and Liam did it for the first time. Josie wanted Amy to run with her and Liam was going to run by himself. At the last minute Liam asked me to run it with him. It was fun to run it with him. He would take off running as fast as he could then he would stop and walk then he would take off again. I kept trying to get him to pace himself but like almost every little kid there he ran the way he wanted to. It was funny. Liam finished the race in 11:59 and Josie finished it in 13:30. Pretty good times for a 6 and 4 year old. I was happy to be able to run the race with Liam and hope that he has good memories of running one of his very first races with his Nana....

After the kids race, Linda, Beth, Amy, Rick and I did the 5 mile run/walk around the lake. It was Beth's very first race and the longer then she usually walks. We walked/ ran it averaging at 14 minute mile. It was a great way to start the day!

Amy and Adam had us over for supper and a campfire for the 4th. We were going to have it at our house but the mosquitoes were so bad that you cannot even go outside :( Grandma and Grandpa Becker also came over to Amy's house.

Friday Rick had to work part of the day. We are going to go for a bike ride in the afternoon but it was so windy out so instead we went to Faribault to get some rocks. We wanted to put some field rocks around the hosta garden so I asked Dad if he had any. Of course Dad was on it and brought up a huge pile for us to take. Of course we thought we had more then enough and I was even going to put some around the house. But no! We were short about 15 rocks.Now we are going to have to make another trip to get more.  Here is a picture of what it looks like almost done.

  Poor Dexter was having major feet troubles again! He was just miserable, licking them like crazy. His front paw was all swelled up again so I called the vet and took him in again. The good news is the cyst is all healed up. The bad news is he has major allergies. They gave him a cortisone shot and gave me cortisone pills that I have to give him stating in two weeks. I have to start out with one every other day and then in a couple weeks I might get to cut back. The cortisone shot did a ton of good! He has not hardly licked his feet and is much happier. He was driving himself nuts. I knew he had allergies but they have gotten really bad. I hope the pills do the trick. Dexter is starting to cost me lots of money.......

Saturday was a busy and fun day. We ran to Manards to get some things for the Archery Club. While we were they we found a fridge that we both fell in love with. The fridge we got 3 years ago is a side by side and I hate it! You can put nothing in it. Of course finding a fridge we both like and at a good price is a bad thing because then of course you want it. So yesterday I put my fridge on Craigs List and the Waseca Buy and Sell. I have two people that are interested in it so hopefully I sell it tonight and then I can go get a new fridge!

Saturday night we went to Smack Shack in Minneapolis for supper with Cassie and Nick. It was super good and a fun place to go eat.

But even better then supper was the movie World War Z!!!!

It was so good! What is not to like about a movie that has Brad Pitt and zombies in it! Nick and I were super excited to see it. Rick was fine with seeing it and Cassie in no way wanted to see it. Poor Cassie was scared........

Lastly I finished a great book this weekend . It is called We'll Be The Last Ones To Let You Down 

It is written by women who grew up and Waseca and was the daughter of the local gravedigger. It was such in interesting book. It held so much history of Waseca. It also was a great memoir of the author and how being around so much death growing up affected her. Of course reading the book made me want to go to the local cemeteries and see all the graves she talks about in the book. Rick thought I was nuts when I dragged him along. I think cemeteries hold so much history and are such a peaceful place. I love to just wonder around in them and read the gravestones and wonder about the lives of the people buried there. Rick was not enjoying himself like I was so we had to leave the cemetery we were at after just a short time and he would not let me go to the other one in town...... So anyhow I think you will like the book so pick it up and read it.

So that about wraps up my 4th of July weekend.

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