Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Game shows are designed to make us feel better about the random, useless facts that are all we have left of our education. -Chuck Palahniuk

I really don't have one subject to write about so I thought I would just write a little about a lot of things....

Today I remembered why I like living in a small town. I was at Hyvee to get some salmon, I got it from the butcher and moved on to get a couple other things. As I was shopping the butcher comes up to me and said he charged me the wrong price for the salmon and took back and remarked it saving me some money. I thought that was really nice since I never would have known. You don't get that kind of service everywhere!

So I have been so slacking in my workouts this winter. I really have no excuse. I was so busy in Nov. and December and then January came and I just wanted to relax and do nothing. Well February came and we went to Vegas and I ate like a pig! So when we got back I got myself downstairs to our  workout room and started working out again. I remember now why I love lifting. I have been doing good getting back into my lifting routine. I have even gotten my ab workout back almost to what it was before. I was able to do 150 sit ups twice this week along with my other ab exercises. Everyone of them is worth it! Now I need to get my running routine back!

Yesterday I had archery league. We shot a 300 round and it was only the second one I have shot this year. Needless to say it was not my best score but I did have a good X count getting 36.

I am making slow-cooker cinnamon roasted almonds right now and the house smells so good. I sure hope they taste as good as they smell.

I finally got myself a new iron. My old one was so bad, it took me forever to iron anything. I finally decided I need a new one when we were in Vegas and I used the one in our hotel room and it worked 100% better then the one I had. So yesterday while I was at Walmart I bought a new one. As soon as I got home I gathered all my ironing and ironed away. I know it is pretty bad that I am excited about a new iron...

I am super glad that it has gotten warmer out. I hope all the snow melts fast. I am ready for spring. We are getting some plans down for a couple summer camping trips. I am excited for them.

I guess that is all the random things I have to talk about today....

Later Sharon

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