Monday, January 1, 2018

What Would You Do If You Weren't Afraid.......

In 2017 I had few words that I tried to live by. I set an intention to try each day living up to these words.  Sometimes I had more then one word hanging from my wrist and other times just one. 

MOMENTOUS  was the word I started out the year with. I tried to make each and every day be momentous. Even if it was only one moment of the day it made the day good. I wore the word on my wrist for most of the year. 

LIVE WELL to me meant not just going through the day trying to get through it but living the day, seeing the day and being in the day. 

WANDER was one of my favorite words. I had so many adventures in 2017. Wander is from one of my favorite quotes 
" Not all those who wander are lost." 

BE KIND is I know two words but they are very important words to me. It is harder then you think to be kind all the time. It is easy to just go along in your day and forget to say hello and a kind word or two to the people around you. I found that when I made a conscience decision to be kind to people that I interacted with each day it bounced back on me and made me happy. 

BREATHE was the word I finished 2017 with on my wrist. Sometime I need the reminder to just step back from life and take a minute to breathe.  Just pausing life and taking a breath. 

So 2017 has ended but I keep those words with me. I may not have them on my wrist anymore but I carry them in my heart. I found that if you have that reminder hanging on your wrist even for a short time soon you are living those words until you don't need that reminder anymore, it just becomes who you are and what you do.

So on to 2018. I am starting out with two intentions this year. 

LET GO is the first word. I am doing the best to let go of the things that have hurt me and the times I have been wronged. Everyone everywhere has been wronged at one time or another. I am going to acknowledge and accept that these things have happened and that I may have been hurt. Then I am going move on, maybe not fast or far but a inch at a time, breath by breath. 

FEARLESS is my next intention. I was inspired by this word after hearing a song by Kat Perkins. Every since hearing the song for the first time I have been thinking about what I would do in my life if I was fearless, if I was not afraid to try. So that is what I am going to do this year. It is going to be a big change for me this year since I plan I retiring from my current job. It is big time scary for me to leave the job that I have been at for 18 years. December 14, 2018 I will be moving on. I am going to have to find a new part time job and we are going to have to change our lifestyle to match my new lower income. Lots and lots of changes. But I know it is time, I am burned out and dread going to work each day. For my mental heath I need to move on. So 2018 is going to be the year of living fearless! 

I am sharing the video of Kat Perkins song. I hope you enjoy it and maybe it will inspire you to be fearless in your life this year too....

Happy 2018 everyone

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