Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Cat Distribution Universe

 For years I have wanted a cat. Rick said no over and over again. When we moved to the new house I told him we had to get a cat because mice come with living in the country. He said no again and I said yes. I would send him cute kitty pictures and he would say oh cute but still no. Finally one day he just said that the kitten is cute so I took that as a yes. I filled out the adoption paperwork and waited to hear back. 

Five days later I still had not heard back from the adoption place. I figured we did not get her. 

I was complaining to Rick that I didn't want to go for a walk because it was raining out. He told me to suck it up and go. I had an hour window before the next rain shower started. So I decided that I would go walk but I would just do my 3-mile loop. Just as I was going to walk out the door I got an email from the adoption place that we had been approved! I was super excited. So now we had to wait again for the foster family to contact me for a meet and greet. 

So off I went on my walk. 

As you can see this is in the middle of playing fields by the schools. No house around. 

I was walking along when I saw a flash of black run across the trail.  And this is when the Cat Distribution Universe came into play.  

I thought to myself, is that a kitten! 

I kept walking and she came running to me as soon as I said kitty. She was so tiny and I knew instantly that some cruel person had dumped her. She was maybe 8-10 weeks old and weighed about one pound. She would have had to walk at least 1/2 to a mile to get where she was. She was all over me. 

This is when she found me. She looked so tiny and lost in the big outside world. I sent a picture to Rick and said look what I found. I could not leave her there, I knew she would never survive. So I scooped her up and walked the 2 miles back to my car with her in my arms. She purred all the way there. My car was parked at Rick's shop so I walked in with her and said she is ours now. The Cat Distribution Universe has spoken and I cannot ignore it. 

He tried to pretend he was not happy but he was instantly in love. 

So she came home with me. I watched all the Facebook chat groups to make sure no one lost her. After a week of no one claiming she was part of the family. 

I named her Rainy because I found her on a rainy day. And my granddaughter said the white spot on her looked like a raindrop. 

I got back to the adoption place on the other kitten and told them that I could not take her. I felt awful about it but one kitten is enough. The good news is she was adopted within a week and found her forever home. 

I did a slow introduction with the dogs and Rainy. Morgan wants nothing to do with her and pretty much ignores her. Otis has found a new best friend. Rainy holds her own with him and they play and play. Otis is very happy to have a new playmate.

She sleeps with this stuffed toy all the time. It is so cute. Every morning I find her here. 

Rainy is now part of the family. 

Don't ignore the Cat Distribution Universe...


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