Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Book, Plants,Sewing, Bow, and WHAT WAS I THINKING........

 I have not done a book review for awhile so I thought I would start out my blog today with one. I came across the book Toward Daylight by Tracy Lee Karner because the author is someone that I went to high school with. When I reconnected with her on Facebook I found out she had written a book. Since I like to support people that I know I downloaded it to my Kindle not really knowing what it was about. I was very happy that I did. It is a great book for anyone to read if they are going though any illness. Tracy was a healthy, active women when she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Her book was an inspiring journey on over coming her struggles with her illness, building a new life with her husband and reaching her goal to become a writer. I recommend it!

 Now on to plants. I have gotten a little carried away with my house plants. I'm not sure when it started but it has started to get a little out of hand. I am spending more and more time taking care of them. I keep rescuing plants and bringing them back to life. I did not even take pictures of all of them. I keep wondering down the plant section in Walmart and keep coming home with new flower pots and soil and maybe even a new plant. Rick is beginning to think I have a problem.....
 Of course this is my pride and joy....the Boston Fern that I rescued from my Mom.

 I have been sewing like crazy.              I made Josie  these two jumpers

 I also made this Easter dress for Josie, I am going to put a bigger ribbon on it. I have also sewed two pair of pajama pants for Rick, one for Liam and a nightgown for me. Today I started on a dress for me. Hopefully I will get it finished tomorrow. When that is done I am going to move onto the rain coats that Christa and I bought fabric for. I am excited to make them, if they turn out they will be really cute!

 I got my new bow last week! I am very happy with it. I finally have a bow that fits me perfect without doing a bunch of stuff to it to make it fit. It is a Hoyt Pro Camp Elite FX-SD.
 Rick made these really pretty strings for the bow. Everyone loved them last night at league.

Yes that is me!! I was looking at some photos that other day and came across this one. It was taken in 2000 when I was in Europe. I look like a boy! I'm not sure what I was thinking when I picked out that shirt and those super cool sunglasses. Not to mention my styling haircut.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Sharon! I didn't know you had a blog. I can't believe how much we have in common (well, actually, I should believe it; we come from the same roots...)

    I'm so glad you enjoyed my book, and honored that you recommend it. Thank you so much! It has been terrific reconnecting with you. I'm always inspired by your sewing projects (one of my favorite but sadly neglected hobbies) and we're definitely plant-sisters. And, although I don't have a bow (not quite strong enough to pull one) I used to have one--and I've been considering, if/when we get back to New Hampshire, checking into crossbows... (see what I mean, about our commonalities...)

    Bless you~
