Sunday, July 27, 2014

Eli Day....

On Wednesday Christa decided she was going to have a garage sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday since it was city wide garage sales and Truman Days. Amy went down to help on Thursday and since she was going to have to bring all three of her children with her I volunteered to watch Eli. I never get to have just Eli so we had lots of fun. In the morning we went to Fleet Farm. He was so good. I saw that they had some little boy shirts on clearance  so I went to look at them. Eli got all excited because they had big trucks and tractors on them. He got even more excited when I told him I would buy one for him. He wanted to put it on right there but I told him he had to wait until I bought it. Once we got to the check out he once again wanted to put it on. I told him he had to wait again. So when we finally got to the car he could not get out of his shirt fast enough. He was very happy to have his new shirt on. He is just too cute :)

Rick stopped home between jobs and Eli got to help him get the mud ready for the next job. He was a big help. Rick even had him helping unload his truck.

After Grandpa Rick left Eli was playing in the sand box when he told me he was bored! It was so funny. I'm sure he does not even know what it means to be bored. I think he has been hearing his big brother say it and thought he should say it too.

Since he was so bored we went in the house and played with play dough. He did not even make much of mess. I have decided watching one grandchild at a time is the way to go :)

Grandpa Rick made it home again before Eli left so he asked him if he want to shoot bow and arrow. He did very good for a 3 year old! Rick was impressed with how fast he picked it up.

                                 He even figured out how to put the arrow on the string.
 After a couple of time with Ricks help he was able to pull the string back all by himself! The string was a little long for him because it is set up for Liam but he still managed to pull it back and release the arrow. He was so cute after it would hit the target he would get all excited and run and get the arrow. I think we have a new archer in the family!

Later Sharon

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